Dr. Stanley Bass created the sequential diet based on his research. The sequential diet doesn't tell you what you eat, but the order in which you should eat it. This diet can be healthy or not depending on what you choose to eat. Proponents claim that following the sequential diet can help stop digestive issues such as gas and bloating.
Food is digested in the order in which you eat it, with different types of food requiring different types of enzymes for digestion. If carbohydrates are consumed after foods that take a longer time to digest, they will sit in the digestive tract and start to ferment, which causes gas and indigestion.
General Principles
For optimal digestion, you should eat one food at a time from your plate, starting with the one that is digested most quickly, and finish that food completely before moving on to the next food you are eating during the meal. Mixing bites of different foods results in a mix in your stomach that will take longer to digest than if you ate the foods separately. Eating a smaller variety of foods during a meal is also recommended.
Food Order
Start with the food that has the highest water content, and work up to the food that has the highest fat content. Consume water or juices first, then fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts and seeds and meats. This means you shouldn't drink liquids during or right after a meal, and fruit shouldn't be used as a dessert.
This diet may help keep you from overeating, as it has you eating the foods with the lowest energy density first. These foods allow you to eat a higher volume of food for fewer calories, helping to fill you up without consuming too many calories. This will help you eat less of the more energy-dense foods that come later in the meal.
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Em português achei mais esse link com o texto abaixo:
Segundo o Dr. Stanley Bass outro modo sábio para consumir alimentos é comendo sequencialmente. Comer sequencialmente é semelhante a combinação de alimentos, mas em vez de combinações, baseia-se em consumir uma comida de cada vez, respeitando ainda a ordem das comidas facilmente digeridas primeiro e as comidas mais densas em ultimo. Também é chamado "comer por camadas" (ver fig. 1) modo mais simples e mais sábio para comer.
Consumindo um alimento de cada vez assegura maior facilidade de digestão possível. Um grupo de cientistas de pesquisa da Universidade de Columbia achou evidência que uma refeição é digerida na ordem exacta que é comida, um grupo de alimentos de cada vez, independente da sua complexidade ou quantidade. Fig.1 - Ilustrando as várias camadas que se formam no estômago, segundo o Dr. Bass
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